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my name is JIAHUI.

about me.
Loyang seconday,, lysian
ODAC rockclimbing
I LOVE ANIMALS [especially meows]

taggers .

click click!
  • hazelmisso
  • nicolea
  • lester
  • beverley
  • alif
  • peixuan
  • joey
  • zhining
  • huaiwei
  • esther
  • lena
  • joanne
  • sinni

  • Sunday, June 28, 2009 { 3:27 AM }

    SIGH. i need a cup of tea?

    Friday, June 26, 2009 { 5:52 AM }

    DAMN IT many bad things happened today. [1]michael jackson died. 4.30am groan. [2]i scuk. {1}climbing{2}i was smart enough to do something without asking sorry for those who kena insulted by another thanks to me {3}i was smart enough to fall out of the darn big mattress la. and i fell someomore on my two damn feet. and the right one is feeling xxxxing painful. went to the doctor and he was like you cant climb for 5 days. and like nationals coming 2 weeks later?! walao. ugh.. why am i like so stupid sia. thanks nadiah for sporting me by the way.. if you didnt then i would have broken my freaking butt. thanks ah. and sorry about that thing. today much thanks to my stupidness, i didnt manage to climb much because my right feet is injured. damn. had to lie down for 80% of the training sessions?! coach leong had to massage my leg. then he like pour water on my leg like watering plant.. sorry ah make you troubled ah. i scuk. damn.. i hope to heal faster. damn.
    mood: man in mirror micheal jackson
    tribute to mr jackson

    Wednesday, June 24, 2009 { 5:20 AM }

    its a wednesday today! school is reopening soon! oh well... and nsscc is next next week! cant wait to see all professional climbers to climb! hahaha. the ranking would be counted in to the asian youth games thing! its so cool! hahaha. oh well. today went to watch drag me to hell! its not really scary but.. its GROSS. for example vomiting onto someone elses face! yuck! bleh. pure gross. hahaha. anyway.. no spoilers.. nope. none at all. hahaha. except for the vomiting part hahaha. the ending is like.. what the?! so not nice! the whole movie is interestingly weird. hahaha. went to whitesands after that walked around.. played the lollimachine.. and won 4 lollis! LOL. then went to the pasamalam buy food and sat at the bus interchange place and played pepsicola? hahahaha! was fun anyway! hahaha. enjoyed the whole day!and today morning i heard this super funny quote. guys are like miniskirts. they will flip up when you're not careful. LOL!
    mood: lucky jason mraz

    Tuesday, June 23, 2009 { 5:39 AM }

    roar. kena founded out today. groan. hahaha. sian sia. anyway. yesterday went to the library to so called "study" hahaha. we study a bit. ABIT. then watched videos.. LOL. the family guy thing. and simpsons hahaha. then went to tampines mall because we were like hungry.. so ate mac? like we upsized both meals la. then add up the fries like.. WOW mountain full sia. when finish the burgers that time already feeling really full.. hahaha. then we forced ourselves to eat up the fries! LOL. walked round the mall for fun then went home.. looked at the funny pictures in nicolea's thumbdrive! hahaha. chose a few. i not sure. later ask her to check which one nicer/better. all that. hahaha. anyway today's training.. umm. i said a stupidest thing a person could have said on that day. groan. felt stupid. i climbed 3 routes today.. speed climbed a few and all timings so slow.. like.. 24 seconds and 29 seconds. how slow. then after that we got drenched in the rain.. had a meeting in the bouldering gym..was really cold! oh well. beared with it for a while.. and my chalkbag is refilled! yay! three cheers! hahaha. then went to whitesands ate at KFC, actually wanted to go to ananas cafe lor. hahaha. anyway it was yummy! cheese fries! hahaha. couldnt resist it man.. hahaha. damn nice. talked a while with them then went home to sleep. hahaha. coach talked to me too. she said some stuffs.. butu overall is that she wants me to change my mindset. and i will. i the jiahui SHALL! hahahahahahhahaha! LOL.
    mood: im yours jason mraz

    Sunday, June 21, 2009 { 3:44 AM }

    yo! sorry for the laziness of blogging ah. hahaha. hmm.. okay REWIND.
    we went to yishun safra to climb! it was really tiring.. maybe beacuse climbed 3 routes ah. first was warm up.. then i did easy lead on the blue route. then did my project on the wall beside the cracks. the contours were not as good as the other 6 walls. and me and nadiah had to [1]LEAD CLIMB [2]NO FOOTHOLDS. hahaha. it was really tiring! for me. actually we were suppose to climb the blue tape but coach climbed it and.. she said a lot of tapes fell off so we climbed all tiles no foothold! yup. as usual it was horrible hahaha. then climbed speed climb! super slow. 27seconds & 35 seconds. the second climb i was tired like hell! hahaha! oh well. then after that.. kena disturbed!! because i wore the springfield shirt! then they say i miss him mah thats why i wore?! [note that i went to springfield on thursday] LOL. then coach TOOK A PICTURE[SHE TOOK A PICTURE?!] and she was like..''im going to show huaiwei!'' AHH! then coached debriefed us[felt much better after that.] OH YES and i during the climb i had no idea why i said 'i cannot!' and shook my head like mad then coach was like ' you say i cannot means that you love huaiwei!' then i was like what!?! LOL. anyway went to 7-11 wanted to eat the cupnoodles but i resist because we were going to ananas. my belly was grumbling as we went there... but at last we reached there! and it filled my stomach! hahaha. went home after that and.. AND. and. something wow happened yesterday. was smiling like hell i think. HAHAHHAHAHAA. ice cream! i won!
    woke up at 6? met them at 8 at mrt station.. then there only got zhining and nicolea if im not wrong.. then zhining had to go home because her mum dont let. so sad. so it was me nicolea nadiah and haris. hmm. went there watched under16 girls.. the routes were looking very fun to climb.. then novice woman. was shocked to see one changkat girl there. but i mean seriously she was a good climber. she very enduring la. she was about to fall off but she quickly grabbed back the jug. i still got much to learn. alot! oh well. AND BEFORE huaiwei CLIMBED![he was in finals!] coach kelly wrote this note to the deejays behind us and i was shocke[nicolea hahaha!] la! the deejay was like. ''next climber is huaiwei from springfield secondary.. wait a minute.. theres a note.. from.. jiahui.. somethingsomething[i forgot what it was..] and belief in yourself. how sweet is that? are you guys brothers and sisters?[NO] your boyfriend girlfriend or goodfriend?[HUH?] bestfriends?[LOL]'' i almost wanted to roar! LOL. he looked super distracted there too. then when he was climbing the deejays were like..''huaiwei jiahui. oh it rhymes!'' then nadiah shouted''weihui!'' or was it ''weiwei?'' or something like that and the deejay started to call him that and the ''belief in yourself..'' thing.. LOL. oh well.the routes were hard i suppose. oh well. nice climb anyway! then later the deejays were giving out free chalk cubes if you got an original pickup line. so nadiah said ''would you like raisins or a date?'' LOL. and got a free chalk cube! hahaha! watched novice men and a bit of open woman then went home. saw janet climb. flow sia! pro! stole some songs away from nicolea's phone. hahaha. thanks ah. bought some noodles.. super filling. then went home. i was super tired la. my eyes were ABOUT to close while standing the whole way home. anyway the ROCKMASTERS competition was held at marina barrage and singapore poly hosted it. oh well. it was all a tiring fun day anyway! oh yeah! and there was this band singing too... singapore version of paramore?
    phew. i typed quite a lot. oh well. today was boring. nothing much to do. only when it was violin lesson! kind of fun actually hahaha. and my teacher's son was super cute! still about 1&half years old? oh well. im HUNGERY. cant wait for tomorrow anyway. hahaha.
    mood: geek in pink jason mraz

    Thursday, June 18, 2009 { 3:10 AM }

    this is to cheer people up. whats this?!!!

    { 1:35 AM }

    damn it. today for me la. my climbing sucked to the core la. much lovely goodbye to headband. ha.ha.ha. cant use you anymore. guess i have to get back to clips. and rubberband. i just dont really like to tie up my hair groan. oh well. things i got to change, pointed out by coach kelly. i MUST tripod all the time.. so have to smear my leg la. but i cant help it when im feeling freakingly pumped and tired my leg goes round and swing around so its really hard to smear. next pointer is NEGATIVITY. i just cant help it.. its like.. its my personality? anyway my climbing sucks what. but i need to change! no shaking of head while climbing hard routes.. if i shake please give me some push ups after i come down ah. thanks! might help a lot. last pointer, umm. the FLOW.momentum. move flowy no matter how crappish the freaking route is. just have to be composed all the way throughout your climb till you have no choice! no random throws to any tiles. have to do it without hesitations! work on my dinosaur footwork.. umm.. my technique fail la that one. i just need to try harder.. i got this habit.. a bad one. once i reach a hard part of the rout.. i think its called kracks? no idea how to spell it but i will give up.. like.. yeah. i know i suck thankyou. ahh! oh well. hmm. today training.. can improve la. just need to move faster and communicate more. i only climbed 1 difficulty route[sucked] then 2 speed climb which i sucked at it too. my timing like crap sia. hmm. i speed climbed with huaiwei today LOL. and they were like.. hahaha-ing. LOL! what huaihui! LOL!!!!!!? oh well. i sucked. anyway went to macdonalds after that and had our meeting and free aircon! for about an hour or so.. then ate at ananas cafe with zhining, fakrul and joash.. played a fool as usual. hahaha! skill at using fork and spoon eh. hahaha. took a bus home and i feel so lousy and lousy. groan. i hope tomorrow's training would be a little better than today's. but i still love their wall! and the springfield people are really warm and welcoming. hahaha. they're really funny and nice.
    mood: poker face lady gagaga
    DIRT brown
    my ice cream! HAHAHA!

    Wednesday, June 17, 2009 { 2:34 AM }

    ghosts of girlfriend's pasts! watched that with hazel today. the funny parts were funny la.. but there were corny parts too.. hahaha. and there was this couple beside me? kind of disturbing too. hahaha. oh well. bought mineral water!(65cents for 2)hahaha. bang! went the fakrul. hahaha. oh well. hmm.. went to buy some sweets and then went home and slack? tomorrow we're going springfield again yay! hahaha. love their wall! hahahaha.
    mood: mad neyo

    Tuesday, June 16, 2009 { 4:57 AM }

    im back from springfield! walao! their wall is like superb man! super nice to climb compared to ours.. but oh well. at least we have a wall right? hahaha. was fun! and super distracting though. had many disturbance today. hahaha. super a lot means like a million billion a lot. oh well. they talked weird stuff!!!!!!!! like really weird. oh well. but i like their wall!! the routes there are really. wow. you should see the megaroof man. so 90degree-ish la! so fun! but i didnt climb till there. i stopped infront of the overhanging part. hehehe. enjoyed it though. the hardest route there was about 7a+? was really crazy la. i climbed banana boat till before the 90degrees thing. that route was fun! then did the angel lips climb.. hahaha.. angelina jolie lips?? hahaha! okay okay nothing to elabourate about that. hahaha. that one was really pumpy sia. i didnt complete it [obvious] then belayed other people.. then went to boulder gym to climb 1 route given by kumar or quah? i dont know i forgot hahaha. then went to belay more. then went to climb genesis! wow. that route was pumpy too! hahaha. oh well. coach phillip saw me belay like crazy and he was like belay slave. LOL. and other things that im so not going to type it out.. roar. hahaha. wasted never take pictures la. oh well. will be going there on thursday again! yay! hmm.. work on speed. stop being disorganised? talk more! ate at anananas with my members after that. hahaha. and talk about many weird things lor. hahaha. and joash and fakrul were talking about rugby and.. banging??! and they were banging and stuff.. hahaha. funny people nowadays.. sigh. hahaha! joking! i prefer it that way! hahaha. hmm.. bored to death at home because had to play buried treasure with my dad. he hid something that i wanted and asked me to find it in a time limit! and i searched every corner but with no avail.. then i sian ah then help in painting the house out of random randomness! then i was freaking tired after that so went to the bedroom for fun i think.. then i turned my head and poof. the prize was there! hahahahhahahahahaahahahha! the jiahui is celebrating man! finally!!! YAY! and its in white (YAY)(YAY) and its nice (YAY)(YAY)(YAY)! hahaha. YAYcube. HOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!
    mood: bella luna jason mraz
    pink hahahahhaha.

    Monday, June 15, 2009 { 6:17 AM }

    [on caps] HAZEL LOOK HERE [off caps]
    rewind the time back to 10th june, wednesday, at 10.15am, bus stop in front of whitesands primary school. on the way to pasir ris interchange to take a mrt to bugis, which was in total of 12 stops. while walking past the ticket beeping thing we met ms nat who was on the way to meet her girlfriend. we sat this long ride to bugis and we went to eat first because we were freakingly hungry. but before that we walked around bugis street for fun. then we ate at pastamania. she ate creamy chicken i ate chicken bolognise. we had 22oz sprite and coca cola. went to bugis street to look for my clothes. [pants shirt] i was quite choosy.. the shorts were really kind of short for me la. hahaha. thanks hazel! after walking for about an hour we had to go to the restroom so we went back all the way to bugis juinction to.. you know. then walked back to bugis street. the traffic light havent turn green so we went into topman and look at the stuff there.. then immediately went out when it turned green. bought a few shirts for ourselves.. and when hazel was looking for her boyfriend tee, met sherlin and jiamin if im not wrong..? then we had been walking for about 2-3 hours? so we went back and drank her mango tango thing and rested. hahaha. walked a round a bit more after that.. then went to take mrt to orchard.. wanted to go catch a movie before meeting her mum. then we walked around the whole place like a tourist in singapore[lost.] so we gave up and went to hmv building and sat there for about 30 mins? played with her phone camera and stuff.. then walked to takashimaya and take a look at everything. there they hosted the barbie doll thing.. got the what collector's edition one too. displayed there la. quite cool. then saw this freaking big bear[u.p. S$49.90 if im not wrong] it was big and yellow and fluffy! and.. big. and hazel saw it and it was like love at first sight?? she immediately went to hug it la. then when she saw the price she went to hug more. its like S$20 la! so cheap! for a big huge gianormous beary bear! we stayed at that section playing with the toys for quite a long long time then i somehow managed to drag her away from there and go to kinokuniya to look at books! hahaha. then went to meet her mum.. then eat some delicious chickenchop which was super worth it because it was big and huge! thanks for the treat yeah! return on another day! then went to tangs to buy socks for her sister.. then played with the stuff there too. by then i was feeling really really sleepy man.. hahaha. saw the leather from eel!!!!!! yuck! but it felt really soft and smooth... hahaha! oh well. the train back home was just a little crowded not too many people. hmm. had a great day that day! hahaha thanks!

    HAZEL! SEE! hahaha! thanks for the fun day! next stop.. ghosts of girlfriend's pasts!

    { 1:42 AM }

    my house is like very cramped up now.. groan.. oh well. im so bored sia today. went to my mum's friend's house and played with the cat. it was like super big and fluffy and.. big. hahaha. then went to ikea buy some things and food! hahaha. going to tution later.. or tutuion or something like that.. hahaha. welcome back valerie and nicolea from austrailia! hahaha. tomorrow will be at springfield!!
    mood: david archuletta touch my hand
    my blogger thing is wierd now. i cant change the colour! no idea why.. weird.

    Saturday, June 13, 2009 { 12:05 AM }

    I LIKE THIS PHONE! it looks like a remote control though, hahaha!

    Friday, June 12, 2009 { 11:56 PM }

    today super slacky.. stay at home got nothing to do sia. groan. i wanted to go watch rockmasters.. but everyone made their own plans already so cant help it.. so had to stay at home 24hours.. hmm.. oh well. watched my brother play left4dead... he super mean ah go kill his teammates LOL. oh ya. congrats to my brother for getting the what driving lisence thing. oh well. the course thing la. hahaha. im so bored! \(*o*)/ cheerleader! hahaha. that was super random. i still can remember the speech teacher show us a video about the computer thing.. i dont know.. Q<= this is a girl! hahaha. the Q is the head[ponytail sticking out] O{-< this is the guy if im not wrong. with the arms sticking out. happy figuring it out!
    mood: i gotta feeling black eye peas

    Thursday, June 11, 2009 { 11:04 PM }

    today went to tjc to climb. was very fun! the first route i did was.. very very reachy sia. bridged all the way.. actually i considered it as a split.. hahaha. the toes like really pain. then did the white overhang.. that route.. pumpy but fun.. then the blue tape. that one crazy ah! but.. fun! hahaha. oh well. then speed climbed. i climbed really slowly la. because as you know im really lousy at climbing.. hahaha. im bored now.. because got nothing to do now sia. tomorrow's rockmaster but we not joining la.. sad. good luck to all competitiors! hmm.. oh well.. i think i want to go watch people climb..
    mood: paparazzi lady gagagaga

    { 2:16 AM }

    HAPPY 30th post! oh how lucky. hahaha.
    pumpness! hahaha. today we did high wall at yishun again.. was like freaking hot lor.. but i love climbing there! rocks! hahaha. lead the "5b" route actually was a 6a route as warm up.. hahaha. lead climb somemore! then the blue tape behind. that one was really reachy and had to sit in quite a lot but.. fun! hahaha. of course lead climb la! then lead the women finals under 18. that route quite fun also! the top was really hard too though.. oh well. then after that did a endurance climb. actually it was up down up down but i accidentally did up down up only... sad. oh ya and we played 'monkey' with a smiley ball saibah[dah?] found on the bridge as a warm up! hahaha. went home and slept. hahaha, oh ya yesterday went out with hazel jalan jalan. hahaha. bought quite a lot of things! ate at some delicious places and stuff.. hahaha. was fun! hahaha. oh man!
    mood: thinking of you - katy pary

    Tuesday, June 09, 2009 { 1:28 AM }

    its HARD LABOUR DAY! hooray! hahaha. after training we had to clean the store! but before that.. we had some delicious lunch! hohoho! KFC. i havent eaten that for quite a long time.. oh well. it was delicious anyway. after that me, fakrul[went high after breathing in some gas], zhining, haris, ms shaheedah and sherlin.. went to clean and count the stuff in the store.. but fakrul was like freaking high today la! even after injurying himself. he danced around sang the nobody song[someone owes me a dance!*laugh*] and started to go high again.. hahaha. played around with the things in the room! hahaha. when we went out we played with the gun like thermometer outside the office! hahaha! super funny. the man in the office were like looking at us laughing ah! we put at different places of the body*cough* and the thermometer said 'Lo" hahaha! yuck man! hahaha. and we brought zhining to drink her first bubbletea! hahaha. chocolate flavor still remember okay! hahaha. stalked fakrul home[i didnt really!!] because he stalked me![joke!] hahaha. went home feeling tired but pleasently happy but unpleasently smelly. hahaha. oh well. groan. i feel.. weird. because.. i feel weird.
    mood: old school hedleys
    bright yellow

    Sunday, June 07, 2009 { 7:01 PM }

    HAHAHAHA. how funny! in the facebook class thing im out of the world! building sandcastles in the air! how fun. hahaha. oh well. on saturday, the training was quite fun! coach leong heng coached us la.. but very fun le.. because managed to climb a billion routes! about 10. hahaha! then the last part we did strength training! pull ups on jugs and deadhand on slopers! kind of fun actually.. hahahha. oh well. went to ananas cafe to eat later.. but we walked there to cure our appetite! and while walking, i accidentally stepped on a lizard!!! you know the big green one? i thought it was a leaf! and actually i didnt even know that the thing was there.. i not sure where i stepped on too... most probably the tail ah. when i stepped onto it i was like wondering why it felt so.. rubbery? then i lift up my foot and the lizard ran like super speed! hahaha. sorry lizard! i was shocked la! and anyway there got a lot of cats! in bicycle baskets, window grill,, bushes etc hahaha. oh well. yesterday[sunday] was boring too.. but yay! set ah 10th june! hahaha! tour around singapore yeah? and eat some yummy food! hahaha!!! and had some barbeque yesterday.. didnt get to eat much. oh well. played uno with the people there.. and somehow i always dont get yellow at all!!! so they started to call me.. YELLOW! hahaha. oh well. and when i uno, my last card always got problem one ah. always need to collect a million cards more! oh well!! and today.. its early morning so i dont know anything yet. just that my stomach feels weird.
    mood: battlefield jordin sparks

    Thursday, June 04, 2009 { 9:59 PM }

    some pictures from safra yishun climbclimb[climb2] competition!

    our funny chairman : ryan

    certain members of odac! hahaha

    zhining and syazwan : my jrs


    HAHAHA. fakrul : mr jr!

    nicolea!! hahaha!

    { 9:04 PM }

    LOL. my brother is at home with someone..oh well. today is colours of loyang. happy 20th anniversary.. oh man im so bored. groan. at home also got like nothing to do la. heng tomorrow got training ah. morning somemore.. yay can spend my free time away! oh well. today so boring!! can die ah. and my sunburns are getting kind of more painfuller than usual lor. groan. hahaha. oh well.
    mood: hoe down throw down miley cyrus

    { 3:14 AM }

    wah. today training like super tiring la. phew. but fun anyway! hahaha. we bouldered at the gym as warm up and it was super fun but cold too! i went one whole round around the gym la. hahaha. then we did a top rope climb without[take note WITHOUT] any footholds and contours! hahaha. joking. cant expect us to campus all the way right? hahaha. we only could use contours la. its was like quite pumpy and tiring but heard that its good! so anyway.. did a under 18 qualifying route lead climb[competition one] and nicolea did really well! im so happy! everyone tried their best and did well! hahaha. enjoy your holiday yeah? oh well. AND. darn. i like the part where ms shaheedah made the shuffle thing! because its fun! but, BUT of all jobs i could get, i became a TEMPORARY chair. URGH. but its okay.. its just a week or so. but sounds fun dont you think? i bet i will screw up the whole thing la.. tomorrow's COL.[colours of loyang] oh man! i got sunburn! i knew it after coming out of yishun because i was super red.. like char siew like that,.. but i didnt expect it to be that bad la. walao. my shoulder there like super pain! i only noticed it when i came back.. hahaha. and it hurt when i touch it! i'm turning darker now! hahaha. ahh! im feeling so tired and sleepy. i think i k.o again ah. cant help it hahaha. K.O.
    mood: flying without wings westlife

    Wednesday, June 03, 2009 { 3:34 AM }

    oho so thats how it is huh? lol. i see i see.. heh.
    i finally went to watch a movie today! a once in a blue green
    purple brown pink grey red silver gold yellow orange moon!
    watched night at the museum 2. actually suppose to go to
    golden village ah.. but when we saw the queue we immediately
    went to century square.. hahaha. lucky managed to get some
    seats. went to eat... and stuff.. hahaha. oh well. the movie was
    quite fun la..! not bad. oh well.. but there were also quite a lot
    of people in the theatre also.. hmm.. went to walk around
    tampines one.. the way they built it was quite nice.. but too
    cold ah. i went to the library and read the quite wrong book
    that talked about weird stuff. hahaha. enjoyed today! thanks
    man! oh well. i think i going to k.o. already la. go sleep. hahaha.
    today was my first and i enjoyed it like mad. thanks.
    mood: only one yellow card

    Tuesday, June 02, 2009 { 7:12 PM }

    oh i didnt know!
    Right brain individual: Right brain individuals are intuitive,
    creative and imaginative. They are flexible and are concerned
    with the bigger picture rather than details. They are impulsive
    and spontaneous and do not like time limits. They have difficulty
    explaining ideas verbally and prefer illustrations to verbal instructions.
    Careers: Architects, Artists, Salespeople, Psychiatrists, Musicians, Politicians, Teachers. (Interpersonal, Emotional, Musical, Spiritual, Talker.)
    Left brain individuals are analytical, articulate and to the point. They like identifying details and are more logical than intuitive. Left brained people have good communication and persuasion skills. Careers: Engineers, Systems Analysts, Technicians, Accountants, Librarians. (Administration, Conservative, Organization, Planner, Structure.)

    lol! i did the test and they said i was both.. try this out!

    { 1:58 AM }

    AHH! so sad! now my eyes are red. soggy and.. red.. and my
    nose is like a mucus tap.. and the whole pillow is wet! i never
    cried till that hard for any other shows like quill or helen the
    baby fox and more.. so sad! because the storyline and the dog
    part was like super freaking sad. ahh! oh man. even if the 'bad'
    person's dog died i also cried! ugh! anyway thanks for lending
    the disc to me! it was a really touching show... my whole face
    feels sticky now. hahaha. the show is a korean drama called
    hearty paws. no spoilers sorry! but all i know is this drama
    is really touching ah. oh well. today training was not bad.
    everything improved yeah? nice job odac! but i fail la.. at
    climbing so lousy. oh well. walao! i took this facebook test
    and they said im afraid of belly buttons?! lol! how random.
    phew. i feel much better after the crazy crying! hahaha.
    oh well. will be having a mock competition on saturday..
    i think its bouldering ah.. most probably.. and might be going
    to safra more often to climb! hmm.
    mood: dark blue - jack mannequin

    Monday, June 01, 2009 { 6:00 AM }

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. dont mind me now. i'm currently feeling freaking high now hahahahahahhahahah! oh my gosh! hehehe. hoho.anyway today we had our long meeting! and some punishments but all was kind of fun i dont know why. oh well. had some bubble tea but
    my cup was flattened la walao. then everything started to overflowlike crazy lor.. ate some fries and went home.. slept a little then... hazel came over three cheers! hahaha. we played and stuff.. heard a few bad news and got sad a little because what she told me was kind of saddening. hope you dont yeah? and get well soon no cold drinks for now! i promise to bring you go drink after you recover.. which is like in two weeks time yeah? set set deal deal! hahahahhaa. still being high. get well soon yeah?
    mood: crush david archuletta