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my name is JIAHUI.

about me.
Loyang seconday,, lysian
ODAC rockclimbing
I LOVE ANIMALS [especially meows]

taggers .

click click!
  • hazelmisso
  • nicolea
  • lester
  • beverley
  • alif
  • peixuan
  • joey
  • zhining
  • huaiwei
  • esther
  • lena
  • joanne
  • sinni

  • Saturday, May 30, 2009 { 7:56 PM }

    hahaha! i am watching power ranger while blogging! hahaha.
    power ranger mystic force! kind of wierd and violent anyway..
    hahaha. sorry for the long time of not posting la. kind of lazy.
    hahaha. happy 20th post! oh well. its been so long.. hahaha.
    i very long never post anything.. like about a week la. because..
    i too lazy! hahaha! oh well. now i feel like it so i do it! this week
    kind of busy.. got my report book on friday.. i passed my chinese!
    c5 la better then fail. hahaha. and on friday i went to hazel's place
    and did many sorts of wierd things! hahaha. dont think wierd too!
    oh well. yesterday we went to safra climb, i saw hannah wee! hahaha!
    oh my god she was pretty! hahaha. but i didnt manage to talk to her
    much because in isolation i was upstairs and she was downstairs so sad...
    then when it was my turn to climb i went down.. then she shook my hand!
    super hard! my whole body was moving with my hand la lol!anyway i was
    happy! she spoilt my day and made it later hehehe.oh well. everybody corns!
    hahaha. oh well. i didnt manage to see her much because i was in isolation most
    of the time.. but anyway.. im so pround of all our loyang climbers! a job well
    done people! i feelhappy for everyone! lets climb our best for all the other
    competitionstoo! proud of you guys all the time! hahaha. i found some wierd
    picturesof gu jun pyo la walao! so disturbing! hahaha. and.. butler lee! oh well.
    ate at the japanese themed food court.. ate the bento thing actually it was the
    economical rice store for the normal food courts la.. actually we wanted to eat
    japanese curry rice but so sad they stop making it lor..and the day before, we
    wanted to go there! but we went to the wrong place and thought that the food
    court kena close down and renovate.. so we ate at mac donalds.. then after eating
    finish we went to walk at wrong place then.. we saw the food court.. and we started
    to laugh at one another lol!!!hahaha. but anyway we ate there today. hahaha. oh well.
    the food tasted average but it was kind of expensive.. for normal food court they might
    sell it cheaper.. oh well. the food was cold too!!! oh well. went to safraand watched
    people climb.. played bluff and tai di.. walao! the bluff ah me and this small outram
    boy keep cheating each other sia.. then thecards in our hands like deck like that.. so
    we stopped! hahaha. played with hannah wee too! then played tai di later.. me and
    nicolea like alwaysget second[we joined forces hahaha] and hannah keep winning.. and called herself tai di master.. lol! oh well.. it was all fun! there was this cute yorkshire terrier
    too! super cute. hahaha. anyway.. all the climbers were like quite good lor! oh well.
    hmm.. but i find myself so stupid! i keep missing theopportunity la darn. im
    so dumb!! ugh. feel like slapping myself! next time try to hold a conversation girl!!
    ahh! now my stomach hurts. i think its thanks to the bento.. groan.
    mood: dont trust her 30h3
    pink and brown

    Wednesday, May 20, 2009 { 4:40 AM }

    i'm really sorry to those people whom i caused a lot of
    horrible troubles to. i'm really really sorry. i would try
    my best to change yeah? changing in proccess currently.
    i'm really sorry. i hope to change and be a better person
    yeah?i'm really sorry.
    today recieved back mathematics, geography, literature
    and english paper 1&2. and chinese. and obviously i failed
    my chinese paper 2 badly. 29/70. hahaha. how cool is that?
    and the chinese listening comprehension 8/20 hahaha.
    i suck. heh. oh well.
    mood: new divine linkin park
    go adam lambert! sure win american idol!
    hahaha! even if you are a bit crooked.. your voice rocks!
    cheering you on tonight! [when i'm sleeping.]
    dedicate to adam: mad world by adam lambert LOL

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009 { 4:14 AM }

    yes yes yes!!! today finally finally managed to climb!!
    somemore 4 routes!! how fun was that?! hahahahaha!
    omg yay. all the routes were new somemore! woohoo!
    hahaha. climbed one in the morning and three in the
    afternoon! managed to skip the first half of lessons in
    morning because helped the odac sessions. hahahaha.
    and today was like so so lucky.. everyone almost found
    out.. oof. almost man. a little more and everything will
    go bleh. coach didnt think that way.. oh well.. hahaha.
    i'm happy and glad today! fufufufu. the blue tape route
    was crazy! but it was fun! a lot of high steps. and obviously
    i sucked at it la. hahaha. hmm. now i'm super pumped..
    had 2 sets of physical training and 4 climbs.. and ran
    around and carried stuff all over the school.. finding things..
    trying to open the lock.. hahaha. i enjoyed today to the core!
    but today was kind of creepy too. had this 'coach' for this
    public speaking course... quite wierd.. she will look as in..
    i dont mind looking but as in.. look until like looking inside
    of you like that la.. almost freaked me out.. and she is
    quite interesting just that she is kind of.. dont know how
    to say.. oh well.. now my hands hurts quite a lot. hahaha.
    somehow. hahaha. oh yeah. odac will be going to yishun safra
    on friday too! yay! their boulder gym rocks! but too bad we'll
    be climbing high wall most probably.. oh well. hahaha.
    mood:umm... i got two moods actually. i'm happy and confused.
    ugh. what sia. its like.. i dont know!! ahh! oh well. im so so
    so so confused. sugar-flo rida
    pink andyellow

    aww so cute!! hahaha.

    Monday, May 18, 2009 { 1:34 AM }

    yo! i went to the incinerator today! the senoko one.
    got different kinds of smell sia. at fist it smelled like..
    unbaked bread..? then some raw noodles.. then detergent.
    then other wierder smells. oh well. it was quite cool altogether!
    as in like the way it is la.. oh well. there got quite a lot of
    pests.. and birds! hahaha. the rubbish were in like super
    big piles la. oh well. when the man was talking i yawned
    like crap and cried oh well. and i had a morning climb
    today to put up the rope! quite fun! climbing in the
    morning is quite fun.. but no sun but.. no wind too!!
    so it has its pros and cons.. pro is no sun but con
    is no wind.. in afternoon got sun but also got wind..
    so.. oh well.. hmm.. in the bus back to school, went crazy
    with hazel! hahaha. we were singing and dancing like crazy
    la, right hazel? hahaha. so funny sia.
    i want nobody nobody but YOU !
    hahaha. im singing like crazy while typing! hahaha.
    hmm.. and we had a money course once we reached
    school.. since not playing along is worst than playing
    along, so i participated! and it was quite fun la. hahaha.
    my group earned $1550 i think if my memory never go
    crappish... hahaha. heng i didnt go horny when i was sleepy
    sia.. hahaha.oh well. anyway the money wasnt real..
    just as expected.. it was... tree money or whatever.. it
    looked real anyway.. oh well. had meeting after that..
    oh. my stomach was growling like crap lor hahaha.
    i'm glad nobody heard it.. hahaha. oh well. hahaha.
    i'm a little happy today! oh well.. and a little wierd.
    sigh. oh well. get well soon hazel. hahaha.
    and ouch, the blister yesterday i made burst. groan.
    mood: 21guns greenday
    dirty red
    sorry ah. its my fault.

    Thursday, May 14, 2009 { 11:08 PM }

    yay! last day of exams! and next week no more
    exams! but i will be going to an incinerator.. how
    cools that!! hahaha. kena burnt there.. ooh.. okay..
    i think of something wierd but im not typing them
    out because its really wierd.. hahaha. oh well.. anyway..
    today everyone seems to have somthing on so cant go
    out.. oh well. so i decided to stay in front of this computer..
    hahaha. happy pumpfesting.. good luck! oh well. walao!
    today mathematics like so darn hard la! for sure 101%
    fail. really. hahaha. oh well. i was happily flunking all
    my subjects. its fun. hahaha. its time to sing and sleep!!
    hahaha. so bored.. nobody is free... oh well. bored bored.
    today played more last word.. hahaha.
    mood: london bridge by fergie

    { 12:27 AM }

    goodbye yesterday! oh well. walao. today science
    paper.. and everyone said that it was easy la.. i find
    it quite hard. hahaha. oh well. sure fail! tomorrow is
    mathematics.. i wonder how hard it would be. yay!
    last paper! groan. i miss that thing. why?! why?!!!!
    oh man. forget forget about that thing forget forget..
    can someone like hypnotise me or something? oh well.
    good luck to springfield for tomorrow pumpfest! hahaha.
    hmm.. oh well. listening to music and sleeping makes
    me feel better. hahaha. played last word with alif and
    nicolea. its so fun. alif and i keep tying.. hahaha. and
    we always panic so always lose and win.. up and down.
    mood: its alright, its okay

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009 { 11:29 PM }

    am i dumb or dumb? ugh! disheartened!

    walao! today flunk paper again. how fun how fun.
    home econs i studied but i totally forgot all when
    he paper began.. so i was bored till i go draw on
    the paper.. and ms. nat came over and saw it..
    and was like reading everthing i drew.. hahaha.
    ahh! today i feel so wierdly disheartened.. oh well.
    maybe its just because i suck.. ahh. i miss climbing
    too.. and yay, there will be a competition at safra
    yishun on 30 & 31st may, which is end of the month.
    yay kind of excited but i bet i wont be able to win
    anything because i cant climb.. hahaha... studied
    science after the 1 hour-ed test.. almost fell asleep
    sia. then alif came over and test us on some lame topics..
    hahaha. thanks guys for making me study. hahaha.
    talked about lame stuff and stuff.. ahh! i feel stupid.
    mood:good days, bad days kaiser chiefs
    dark dark green if you think this is black, then
    you're wrong.

    { 12:54 AM }

    jiahui's stupid question of the week:
    what is the stupidest reason you cried? want to
    tell me? hahaha. its up to you. mine was gurgling
    listerine for 30 seconds. hahaha. how stupid's that?
    oh well. today is history! and i flunk it again! wooh!
    it was quite interesting though. hahaha. oh well..
    studied home economics a little bit.. i will study a
    little more later.. hmm.. studied till 1 plus i think..
    i wonder what biology practical do sia.. dissect
    animals? cool! eyeballs! ooh.. okay.. its drifting
    a little too far of.. oh well. finally was able to learn
    a little more about certain religions.. oh well.. i
    want to watch angels and demons to understand
    more about religions.. coming out 14th may
    if i'm not wrong. hahaha. clarified some stuff yeah?
    hmm.. saw a pigeon trying its best to eat up the pearls
    on the floor, it was pecking super hard on the floor
    because the pearl was stuck on the floor... hahaha.
    glad i didnt see any more phaedophiles.. hahaha.
    also saw two dogs, one was super self conscious..
    hahaha. today is super hot too.. going to die..
    mood:know your enemy, greenday

    Monday, May 11, 2009 { 1:38 AM }

    oh well.. here's a random post..
    a list of what i hate to eat:
    sweet potato
    shellfish[i meant clams and those other clampy stuff!! not crab!]
    nuts.[e.g. cashew nuts, peanuts]
    some kind of bread
    sunflower seeds
    some kind of beans
    xiang cai[ooh the smell the smell]
    so on and so forth.
    i think still got more la.
    happy finding out.

    { 1:21 AM }

    ahh.. today i spend a lot.. as in really a lot of money
    on food.. hahaha. i finally finally saw the thing that
    i had been waiting for many months but i bo lui
    ah so cannot buy. so sad.. must save money all
    over again. sian.. i took ages to save money but
    seconds to spend. lol. pro right? walao.. history
    i totally studied the wrong thing so i have to study
    all over again.. crap sia. oh well.. anyway.. i saw
    something really gross again today. i think i saw
    a phaedophile... which was like so wierd and gross..
    at first i didnt know sia. shock. its like around him got
    so many kids and stuff.. ugh. clear my mind.. clear my
    mind.. oh well. while walking around saw 2 of my
    younger friends and they didnt recognise me how
    sad.. i look so old meh. hahaha. oh well. happy
    mood:save me simple plan
    i did anything?

    Thursday, May 07, 2009 { 11:16 PM }

    happy tenth post mr. blog! hahaha.
    oh man.. today is such a sleepy day man! i feel
    so sleepy.. groan. today no paper ah heng.
    actually suppose to have practical but in the
    dont have le.. so sad.. our last practical no more..
    sian! next term dnt sia.. i prefer home econs..
    oh well... i'm nervous for all my exam results!
    fail all la most probably.. hmm. all lessons were
    sleep-able lor. ms tok lesson today rocks! hahaha.
    watched mr bean then played a random game of
    hangman.. then nicolea suddenly reminded me
    of the time at coach kelly's party, that we played
    chinese ..umm.. i forgot what its called again.. oh
    man! ah anyway, i was sitting in front of this guy
    who wore big spectacles and played diablo or something
    like that? hahaha. the way he acted was really funny..
    i remember washing machine, kung fu panda.. hmm..
    what else? oh yeah counter strike! hahaha.oh well..
    miss those days. anyway. i'm so sleepy.. i need to go
    buy mama's day present too! oh well. hahaha.
    mood: welcome to the world by calvin rudolf
    some cool star-shaped papaya.

    roses for my crush! hahaha. joking.
    its for my mum.
    love you mum! hahaha.

    Wednesday, May 06, 2009 { 11:22 PM }

    today literature i totally flunk it! ahh! fail ah. for
    sure one.. hahaha. this is the 8th flunged paper!
    3 more to go! history, science then maths paper
    2! lucky tomorrow no paper plus monday is
    vesak day holiday! yay! oh well. the literature
    paper i wrote crap.. i keep repeating the point
    all over again.. oh well. thats because.. i suck.
    hahaha. can't help it yeah. i love my new playlists!
    because all the songs are my favourites! maybe
    not all but.. hahaha. 98% i think. hahaha. there are
    about 28 tracks so happy listening to the music!
    hmm. today was quite fun! ate breakfast with
    nicolea and nadiah.. beside us were some students
    from x secondary school.[not naming it] they were
    really really really wierd. got nothing to say sia.
    there was this big sized lower secondary guy,
    mixing all the mac donald sauces together.. yuck.
    he mix the mayo and chilli sauce together. bad
    enough. the thing turned orange.. yuck.. then
    even worse! he go add in the blueberry jam
    and more mayo! ugh! felt like whacking him
    or something.. the girls he was with were really
    really chatty.. as in over chatty liao.. talk so
    loud some more.. plus there was this wierd
    super tall guy who had a girlfriend who was one
    head shorter.. had nothing to say to that either.
    i will wonder how they would kiss.. oh well..
    the girl really what la.. she would lie on the guy's
    everywhere. i didnt mind the shoulder.. but oh
    please watch where you are lying down on la.
    ugh. and i saw the eye soriest thing a person
    can see man. i accidentally turned my head
    and saw the girl's face super close to the guy's
    face.. then the guy suddenly turn super fast and
    smashed his face into the girl's!! so gross! it was
    supposedly to be a 'kiss' but i think that it was
    a smack on the face with a face la. the lip like
    not even kissy lor.. plus they're nose were
    whamming into each other for about one milli
    second.. failed kisser man. good luck tall guy!
    the girl was like super shock.. he did'nt have
    to do it in front of me right? ahh! today i was
    being a little too observant.. crap. hahaha.
    anyway.. today i saw too many wierd things!!
    oh man!! (1) the fat guy mixing wierd sauces
    (2)the guy and girl (3)almost saw-ed lesbian
    sox. its okay if you dont understand. oh well.
    it was really really really a wierd feeling man.
    hahaha. it was my first time! yuck awful!
    oh well. hahaha. i'm sleepy..
    mood: second chance by shinedown

    Tuesday, May 05, 2009 { 11:26 PM }

    today was maths paper 1 and chinese listening
    comprehension.. flunk both, no surprise. hahaha.
    maths was quite fun but tricky la.. had many
    careless mistakes here and there, so for sure fail.
    and.. the chinese listening comprehension? best
    of luck to me man. hahaha. didnt understand a
    single crap the thing was talking about, so
    obviously i had to put in a random letter into
    the otas paper.. oh well.. oh man i'm so happy!
    hahaha.much thanks to hazel. hehehe. glad i
    heeded your advice! love the misso girl. hehehe.
    oh well. had our 'mass' study again! you know how
    massive it is? nadiah, nicolea and i. three people..
    oh man so huge! literature.. super slack today.
    nicolea and i measured our heights, nicolea 157
    or 158 hahaha. i was still the same 165 how boring.
    oh well. i'm really happy! hehehe. oh yeah in the
    bus, from inside of the bus, i saw hazel, chloe and
    yini. yini and chloe were roller blading and hazel
    was cycling this huge bike... hahaha. then i was
    doing some handsigns to them and the people
    beside me thought that i was going crazy or
    something.. hahaha.
    mood: lucky jason myraz and colbi calliet

    thanks misso! hahaha. (:

    { 1:09 AM }

    ahh! today is super hot.. goning to get heat stroke...
    anyway.. had geography today, and i bet i fail again..
    because i screwed it.. the air pollution thing i go write
    kyoto protocol sia.. oh man. then the land fills in
    singapore i also forgot! oh man.. tomorrow's paper is..
    maths paper one and chinese listening comprehension..
    oh well. fail both again hahaha.. today coach phillip and
    jansen and another woman came.. they pro sia.. they
    climb the 6b+ route like so easy like that. oh well. i
    suck can't help it anyway. studied math till my brain
    almost bursted thanks to those big huge numbers.
    and a huge sorry to hazel. nadiah, nicolea and me played
    this thigh whacking game to wake us up.. and now my leg
    is super red hahaha. later if never do physical training
    ah, all the fats bounce as you write! hahaha. thats what coach
    phillip said. coach kelly came over later.. oh well. oh man! i am
    now waiting for my kinderjoys.. and yesterday was my first one
    much lovely thanks to hazel! hehehe. cat toy hehehe. and the
    yellow stalker. yuck sia. oh man i'm so sleepy.. guess that i'm
    about to fall asleep soon..
    mood: how do you sleep Jesse McCartney

    hazel and her 'kinderjoy'

    cheese burger wrapping acutally.. hahaha.

    my first kinderjoy yesterday!yay! hahaha

    thanks hazel .. waiting for another two..

    hehehe. yesterday at the playground.

    Monday, May 04, 2009 { 1:53 AM }

    the jiahui must learn to resist. ahh!!! man i cant
    touch my phone.. nope.. not now.. nope nope...
    anyway.. i nowadays got many wierd dreams
    sia.. yesterdayi dreamt that mr. wee[why of all
    people him?!] gave us 2e1 assignment, and when
    we finished it we have to put it in this closet or
    something like that.. and we also had to buy him
    a bottle i think, of ice lemon tea! how random..
    so when we finished the assignment, we put it
    there la.. then i was assigned to buy the ice lemon
    tea.. so i dont know why the whole class rushed
    down to the canteen so i was the only one left in
    class.. so i walked down alone slowly to the canteen
    and i saw 2e1 sit in one long table.. and the best
    part was that.. they were eating japanese curry
    rice, my favourite food! hahaha. then i was super
    shocked and i asked hazel, "eh? where you buy one?"
    then she was like "the second last store, quite nice!
    you also go and buy!" then i went to check all stalls
    and decided to buy curry rice because the other
    food look wierd.. then i dont know why there were
    two canteens, so i went over to the other one because
    got two drink stall there, side by side la. then i went
    over to the old man's one and asked '有没有 ice lemon
    tea ah?' then the old man was like' teh ah?' then the stall
    person [who was a hansome looking vendor]beside the
    old man shop said'uncle, ice lemoon tea, 那个brown的'
    then the old man showed me the seasons brand ice lemon
    tea one the i bought it for $1.. then while i was walking back
    i saw sherlin and valerie and they asked me"eh? what you
    doing here?' then.. i woke up.. hahaha. oh well. jiahui youre
    a stupid stupid dumb girl ugh! forget about him man!
    but i cant oh well. miss him. ah!! but he wont you idiot!!
    oh man how stupid can i get?! i'm sorry!
    mood: if i see your face again maroon 5
    thanks hazel or misso. hehehe.

    { 1:22 AM }

    another new day.. ugh.. still feeling pissed.. at
    myself! aaah! sorry ah! for doing so many idiotic
    irritating stuff! oh well. today i screwed my exams
    all over again.. hahaha. because obviously i suck..
    English paper 2 was tricky la. the chinese..? best
    sia. i bet a million bucks that i would fail. why not
    do a deal? if i pass i'll do something.. [ehem] and
    if i fail... then best of luck! oh well. maybe odac
    would be going to climbasia on 16th may hahaha.
    to climb and buy some chalk. i also need to buy chalk
    ah. need to remind myself. oh man! i miss.... ... ugh!
    being ignored suck! anyway... studied geography
    a little bit. oh well. i suck! i just have to keep pushing
    on!! not. oh man why am i so irritating?! oh man!
    i was so angry with myself that when i bit into the mentos,
    it cracked and broke into perfect half! look at that! its my
    first time looking at the inside of the mentos! kind of cool..
    the climb - miley cyrus

    Saturday, May 02, 2009 { 11:33 PM }

    i'm happy but i'm pissed... with myself........
    ohman! why do i suck so much??! groan.
    fxxxfxxxfxxx!! anyway............................
    i suck!! ugh. other than the suck part..
    i dreamt a dream. a really wierd dream..
    i dreamt of odac.. hahaha. i dreamt that
    the school suddenly became super rich,
    then our bouldering wall was upgraded
    like a lot.. like.. the yishun safra there!
    then i dont know why we were with art
    club inside the bouldering wall.. i think
    they were trying out? no idea, then we
    saw coach, she looked quite angry...
    then i dont know why she said,
    "from today onwards, whoever climbs
    must pay $5" then we were like 'wow'
    and i dont know why later all of us went
    this super huge carpark, then we were
    on our way to one of the car's booth
    then i suddenly said " oh sh*t! i forgot
    to bring my climbing shoes!" and i
    started to run down the staircase or
    something.. quite stupid dont you think
    so? hahaha.
    mood:if today was your last day nickleback
    tomato red

    { 8:49 PM }

    oh man.. yesterday was kind of busy. but i'm happy
    because of certain stuff. hahaha. had a piano concerto
    for my brother.. my teacher go make for him.. hahaha.
    and then later he took my phone and took act cute
    pictures of himself.. LOL. anyway.. my teacher's son,
    jazzielle is super cute la. he ran over to a mini piano and
    stared to 'play' it.. hahaha. and i bought my subway
    cookies! much curses to my borther who ate my
    share of cookies! anyway.. enjoyed to whole day thanks!
    oh well. today was boring.. hahaha. study study study.
    and sing along while studying of course. hahaha.
    mood: secret valentine by we the kings
    light blue